Collaborative Environmental Research
The Coastal Critical Zone
Processes that transform landscapes and fluxes between land and sea.
Develop a fully collaborative, multi-disciplinary study at a network of sites to understand and predict current and future changes in coupled hydrological, ecological, geomorphological, and biogeochemical (HEGB) system.
To quantify the coupled processes and feedbacks that govern the HEGB transformations in the coastal CZ to understand how shifts in the transition zone will translate to changes in cycling, fluxes, and storage of critical elements at the land-sea margin.
Our Mission
Develop a fully collaborative, multi-disciplinary study at a network of sites to understand and predict current and future changes in coupled hydrological, ecological, geomorphological, and biogeochemical (HEGB) system.
Contact us with any questions.
Latest News
How Salt Water Intrusion Affects Humans and Homes
Check out Dr. Holly Michael as she explains the impact of salt water intrusion. Click link here.
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